
The 5 Biggest Mistakes Men Make on Dates


The 5 Biggest Mistakes Men Make on Dates

Dating can be hard. You want to make a good impression, but you don't want to screw it up either. Here are the 5 biggest mistakes men make on dates, so you can avoid them and have a great time.

1. Not being clear about who pays

One of the biggest mistakes men make on dates is not clarifying who pays. If you asked her out, it's expected that you will pay for the date...but she might think otherwise. It's not polite to assume, so make sure to be clear when asking her out. She'll appreciate the gesture, and you'll avoid an awkward situation.

2. Being too aggressive

This mistake can actually be deadly! If you feel like she is putting herself in a dangerous situation with you, it's time to leave her alone. You may think that's not how it works, but many women are very good at sensing when they're being harassed. Even if you have a funny side, being too aggressive will put an immediate stop to any potential first date. Letting her know you're interested is fine, but don't cross the line.

3. Not paying attention

The most important thing on a date is your's your chance to impress her! You should be engaged and paying attention to what she's saying. If you're not interested in her, that's fine, but focus on the things that do interest you and then ask her about them. Doing this will make it easier for her to open up and feel more comfortable around you.

4. Going overboard with compliments

Compliments are good...too many compliments are not. You don't want to make her feel uncomfortable, so only compliment her if you truly mean it. Avoid overdoing it by saying things like "I've never met anyone like you." If she hasn't had the same impact on your life as you're having on hers, go easy with the compliments!

5. Not bringing her back to the place you started

The last mistake is also the biggest - not bringing your date back to where you picked her up. If you have any interest in seeing this girl again, taking her back to where she was picked up will make it much more likely that happens. After all, who doesn't want a second chance to show those good first impressions?


It's not always easy to know what to wear or say on the first date, but there are a few guidelines you should follow. First and foremost, be yourself! Trust us when we tell you that she isn't looking for your perfect guy; she is just trying to see if he might be interested in her too. That said, avoid anything with strong cologne as it can make some people nauseous (and no one wants their date feeling sick!). If you're going out for dinner at a restaurant try wearing something more dressy than casual - this will show her how much effort you put into the night ahead of time. Finally, don't forget about manners! Be courteous by opening doors for her and being polite throughout the evening. If the date goes well, let her know by thanking her for a lovely night - she'll really appreciate it!

Good luck!

Author profile

Jacob Horan

Dating blogger

Jacob Horan is a charismatic dating blogger sharing practical insights and relatable experiences to guide readers in navigating the modern world of romance.

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